Registration is open for UA Day 2024

Аутор: Dijana


Registration to attend keystone Universal Acceptance (UA) Day 2024 is now open. The event will take place on 28th March in Crown Plaza hotel in Belgrade. Visitors can join the event onsite or participate online via link that will be delivered to registered visitors.

UA Day will gather representatives of important international and local organizations, engineers, university professors, internet experts as well as software developers from all parts of the world to debate on the following topics. What Universal Acceptance is and why do we need it? Could internet domain names and email addresses „speak“ any other language but English? When and how will pending barriers be removed so the full potential of the Internet could be enjoyed by all users globally? Why Universal Acceptance is a chance not only for further social but economic development? Those are just some of the topics that will be discussed at the upcoming UA Day.

The event is organized by The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) in partnership RNIDS and the volunteer-based Universal Acceptance Steering Group (UASG). Along with the keystone event which will take place in Belgrade, worldwide supporting events, which gathered more than 9,400 participant last year, will also be held from March through the end of May.

“The global adoption of Universal Acceptance is critical to ensuring a more inclusive Internet for the next billion people coming online,” said ICANN Interim President and CEO Sally Costerton. “UA Day is a significant opportunity to mobilize the global Internet community and technical stakeholders who can help make UA a reality.”

Universal Acceptance is not solely technical demand but a pathway to digital inclusivity and equality as ensures everyone has the ability to experience the full social and economic power of the Internet using a domain name and email address that best aligns with their interests, business, culture, language, and script.   UA Day is an event which shows the landscape of the Internet to come, and the fact that it takes place in Belgrade presents an excellent opportunity for local experts to join the conversations that shape the global picture. During the four panels, along with a technical workshop that will be organized, successful stories of UA implementation and UA ready solutions will be delivered, however challenges of implementing UA will also be discussed. Experiences and insights will be shared by experts from various parts of the world including Africa, Europe, China, Thailand and of course, Serbia.